The Dube Vaporizer V2 is part of the White Rhino line of vaporizers. This is version 2 of the Dube. It’s designed to be very simple to operate and offers a very discreet solution to portable vaporizing.
Dube Vaporizer V2
The Dube Vaporizer is a nice and affordable pen-style vaporizer. Because of it’s compact design and low pricing, it makes it hard not to want to buy. You can use it for liquid, wax and dry herbs but in my opinion, I would stick with wax and oil for this one. It’s small, discreet and basically looks like a typical e-cigarette. It’s very basic and offers no heating controls. However, it does heat up to temperature within a matter of seconds and does so fairly efficiently.
This is a good vape if you’re not looking to get in to all of the confusing temperature settings and just wanna vape some wax or juice on the go real fast. Unfortunately, according to some folks, dry herb is not quite there yet for this one but 50 bucks for an elegant looking concentrate vape is still pretty nice.
*No Longer Available