The newly re-designed Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer is arguably the most affordable dual-function vaporizer on the market today.
Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
This quality dry herb vape has a lot going for it. It’s dual-function allows you to vape using either a direct draw from a whip or the bag system, much like the Volcano. Recently re-designed, the new Extreme Q is sleeker, more compact, and now comes in an eye-catching midnight chrome finish.
It’s equipped with a high-quality ceramic heating element that eliminates the threat of toxins. That and it’s revolutionary Cyclone Bowl distributes evenly and efficiently for full flavor and potency.
If you’re looking for a desktop vaporizer that gives you the ability to draw vapor through a whip attachment or balloon bag, and one that won’t break the bank, the Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer is for you. Plus it comes with a manufacturer Lifetime Warranty that covers any defect related to the heating element.