The DaVinci IQ Vaporizer is a portable dry herb vape from the brilliant minds behind the DaVinci and Ascent vaporizers. This innovative unit features Smart Path Technology, it’s own mobile app, a long lasting battery and much, much more.
DaVinci IQ Vaporizer
The Davinci IQ is one of the most intelligent vaporizers around and possibly the best portable vape on the market today. The unique mouthpiece and the all ceramic zirconia air path allows you to draw out the purest flavor you’ll ever taste from a vaporizer.
For easier use, the Smart Path Technology feature allows you select 4 different temp settings which lets the device automatically set the best temperature. The device does come with 4 preset temperatures but you are able to change them and set your own. Although, I do find the already set temps to be accurate and why wouldn’t they be, the makers of the product set them. Vaporizers can be confusing so if you can use your vape right out of the box, thats a good thing.
The DaVinci IQ vaporizer has elegance written all over it. It’s sleek, very discreet, and is equipped with 51 dazzling LED dots that act as the display. The internal components are protected by a highly resistant anodized aluminum casing, which also adds a futuristic vibe. You’ll be surprised how compact and light the DaVinci IQ really is. It’s the perfect vape for on-the-go vaping and is durable enough not to break if you drop it.
Some more cool thing about this vape is the battery and App. Instead of being tethered to cables when the battery dies, you can now just pop in a new repalceable 18650 battery which can be easily switched out. You shouldn’t have to worry too much about that being the Davinci IQ last hours on a full charge. The app is pretty cool. It enables you to customize your vaping sessions in seconds. You can use the app to turn it on, switch modes, and dim the lighting to save on battery time.
How To Use